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Student Support Services

Empowering Your Academic Journey, Every Step of the Way.

Student Support Services (SSS) is a comprehensive program designed to enhance students’ experience and success. This initiative focuses on providing targeted support to students based on their needs, including individuals facing challenges during their medical education. SSS strives to empower students to overcome obstacles, maximize their potential, and successfully navigate the complexities of medical education, ensuring a holistic approach to their personal and educational development.


Student Support Services (SSS) is dedicated to student success and excellence in physician education. The SSS collaborative team of faculty members and staff is committed to enhancing student growth and helping students reach their academic and career goals

Student Corner

The Student Corner is a Student Support Services website designed to provide you with a one-stop shop for all the information you need to navigate student life at the American Canadian School of Medicine during your time in Dominica. You can find information on everything from Newsletters, Events, and Complaint Processes.

We know that medical school can be a challenging and demanding experience, but it’s also an incredibly rewarding one. This page can help you make the most of your time in medical school and set yourself up for success in your future career is dedicated to student success and excellence in physician education.

Policies &

Part of being an excellent physician is knowing the expectations of the role and proactively ensuring those responsibilities are met. Engaging in this practice starts the day students are admitted to ACSOM, and will serve students well as they are required to obtain and maintain licensure, hospital privileges, and credentialing.

Policies and procedures in place are to ensure student success through student safety, academic consistency, fair treatment, and high academic and professional standards necessary to be a physician. The student handbook provides critical information on all ACSOM policies as well as information on campus life to help students integrate into their new living learning environment.

Prior to matriculation, students are provided with the most recent version of the student handbook. Any changes to the student handbook will be provided to the students. The most recent student handbook governs the policies and procedures all students are obligated to follow.

Technology Requirement

iPadOS 15.0 or later required

As an ACSOM student, it’s important to stay connected, have access to resources at your fingertips, and maintain the technological edge that’s become integral to modern medical education. To support these aims, all students are required to bring an iPad that operates on iPadOS 15.0 or later along with an iPad keyboard case. This versatile device will be your central hub for accessing our interactive and innovative digital curriculum, from textbooks to classroom assignments and more. In addition to your iPad, we also strongly encourage you to bring along any other technology that enhances your study experience. This could be a reliable laptop, desktop, or other technology. Remember, our location on the picturesque island of Dominica brings the charm of the Caribbean, but in this globally connected age, it won’t keep you away from the world of knowledge at your fingertips.

ACSOM M.D. Student
Handbook Disclaimer

The policies and procedures appearing in the ACSOM M.D. Student Handbook reflect the most current policies and procedures of the Medical University but are subject to amendment and change without prior notice. ACSOM reserves the right to change policies, procedures, and programs. Minor changes will be posted directly to the Student Handbook. When major changes occur, a notification will be sent to all medical students. “Download Handbook”

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Please see our financial aid page.


The American Canadian School of Medicine welcomes students and their families to campus for orientation. During this series of programs and events, students learn about the overall academic plan for the year, the dedicated faculty, ACSOM campus resources, student policies and procedures, as well as academic and non-academic student life opportunities that make our school unique. Orientation is held prior to the first week of classes just before the White Coat Ceremony.

During orientation, students will meet existing student Ambassadors, participate in interactive scenarios, become familiar with academic and career resources and policies, and meet their faculty and advisors.

Student Wellness Assistance Program

ACSOM is committed to your success and wellbeing, which includes providing professional counselors to assist you. We have multiple resources available to help reach your personal, academic and career goals.

The Student Wellness Assistance Program is provided free of charge, offering well-being counseling/sessions and psychological services to registered ACSOM students. The office is staffed by mental health counselors with experience handling the stress associated with post-graduate and professional school education. This service is offered by appointment only.

Student Health Services
The Student Health Service provides a triage process at this time for acute conditions, illnesses, and injuries to current ACSOM students on campus. ACSOM has contracted with a physician on island for triage.

Student Disability Services

ACSOM expects that each student admitted will be capable of completing the full curriculum of required courses, clerkships, and electives under the established ACSOM policies. Our goal is providing access to students with disabilities and an opportunity to perform to their potential by providing reasonable and appropriate accommodations without undermining the integrity of any course, clerkship, or program. Students who would like to requests accommodation must register with the Office of Student Disability Services as soon as the need is known and within the guidelines in the student handbook. Go to the Student Disability Services website for details.

Student Housing

ACSOM works with a third-party vendor to provide a list of prescreened off-campus housing options. The ACSOM housing office is available to facilitate a connection with the housing vendor. For more information on the vendor and housing options, please go to this URL While ACSOM does not manage the properties listed on the vendor website, we may facilitate conversations with the property owners for specific needs to make sure that students have the best housing experience possible.

Student Life

Student Life, which is managed by two departments, the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Student Support Services, facilitates various academic and non-academic activities to develop and engage students in a variety of areas: academic, non-academic, social, personal, and student governance. There are a wide range of organizations, clubs, professional organizations, and specialty interest exploration groups that promote lifelong learning that benefit a lifetime career in Medicine.

  • Contact the Office of Student Affairs for more information about academic, professional organizations, student government, and specialty interest groups.
  • Contact the Office of Student Support Services for more information on non-academic offerings, sports and recreation, and social events and activities.

Student Government

Each student-member of student government may be involved in the various ACSOM governing, programming committees, and ad-hoc committees, and SGA will facilitate student feedback and input on modifications and updates to school policies and the student handbook.

The Student Research Club is being discussed and developed at this time. Please contact Student Affairs if you have specific questions or ideas about student research. Typically, student research would involve a team of faculty members and students conducting independent research activities. Students would learn to prepare and report the results of studies and participate in research during an annual Student Research Conference.

Academic Support Services

The Office of Academic Support Services provides extensive assistance on addressing barriers preventing students from succeeding in classroom and clinical competency. Academic counselors/advisors are available to help students experiencing academic difficulties in any area of study by providing and referring them to the resources needed to succeed.


Mentoring in education involves pairing new students with a student-volunteer who acts as a positive role model. In general, mentoring aims to build confidence and relationships, develop resilience and character, and raise aspirations, rather than to develop specific academic skills or knowledge.

Our mentors will be guiding and helping mentees in their studies and everyday life issues. Mentors rely upon having had similar experiences to gain an empathy with the mentee and an understanding of their issues.

Student Handbook

The ACSOM Student Handbook is a reference for medical students and others regarding the administrative policies, rules, regulations, and student support services of the American Canadian School of Medicine.

Download Student Handbook (Coming Soon)

Equal Educational Opportunity

ACSOM is committed to providing an educational climate that is conducive to the personal and professional development of each individual. Students should be aware that discrimination and/or other harassment based on race, sex, gender identity and gender expression, national origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, color, or veteran status is prohibited within the University. Please refer to the Student Handbook for the protocol to report an instance of discrimination, harassment, or prejudice.

Student Visa

ACSOM will work directly with the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica to facilitate your student visa.

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